Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blog intro

As the title of the blog might imply, this blog is just a place for me to let loose.

So let's get started.

The first thing I would like to bitch about is this: independence, or at least the illusion of it. I'll get to the illusion part shortly.

One thing that I've discovered as a teenager in America is that no matter where you go, public school, private school, whatever, independence means REJECTION. I say this because I have witnessed open-minded, kind, people (including myself) become social pariahs because they do their own thing, which is supposedly encouraged in this terrific society of ours.

Now let me speak from personal experience. I don't listen to the shit that most of my fellow teenagers call "music". I don't wear baggy blue jeans, I don't wear white tee-shirts, I despise Facebook, I don't wear colorful skater-shoes, I don't have a "cluster" of friends, I don't shoot secret handshakes to various people in the halls. I think you get it. If you don't well maybe you and I have something in common. Skanky women, jocky men, or vice versa, et cetera.

Anyways, that all seems to beg the question: what DO I do? I listen to punk rock and metal. I wear tight black jeans, I wear band tees under a punk-rock studded jacket which I made, I love MySpace, I wear ankle-high Doc. Martens, I wear thick dramatic makeup (I'll note here I'm a guy) I have a handbasket of BEST friends, I give silent sneers to people who perpetuate the meaning of EVIL to me.

Dependence, faith, and participation in the status-quo are facts that make the illusion of independence hold strong. The quieter of the crowd depend on the "normal" aspect (i.e., dressing like everyone else so they look like human beings). The loud popular bunch are the ones who create the religion of normality and go about protheletizing for followers; and of course, those too cowardly to think for themselves mindlessly follow.

The irony to me is that independence as defined by this conservative overculture is adherence and dependence on the system. Get good grades, participate in sports, do sober things with large groups of people, go to church/synagouge/mosque/whatever, do what the "in" crowd is doing; the only way to go far in life is to do all of that.

The truth as I see it is that because this is the reigning overculture, it IS the only way to go far in life--pause, EASILY--because nearly everyone will support you. Independence = rejection, if you have your own ideas about how life should be lived, prepare to take a giant societal dick-to-the-face, because nobody wants to hear you. In fact, to reward your new ideas, you'll be humiliated. As I have discovered, the only way to out-penis society is to expand one's own. Figuratively, of course, although physically wouldn't do me any harm either....but I digress.

I say all this being: a Jew, but also an atheist; a punkrock afficionado, a fan of metal; a news addict/political junkie; a drinker and potsmoker and user of psychadelics; this list could go on for a while. Oh I guess it could be added: the fact that I'm spewing my feelings on a a sure sign of an Edgar Allen Poe.

Anyways readers, my patience for typing has just about expired. I'll post something in the near future. Post your enamorance/hate below.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

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