Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Shortish post

Sorry to disappoint any readers expecting my usual lecture but tonight's post is going to be a bit short, as I really need to get some sleep and there isn't much to bitch, rant or dream about at the moment.

When I think "Republican Party", I think "Klu Klux Klan" and "Northwest Socialist Party".

I know racism is a harsh word to bring down on anyone, so I'll make it clear why I whip out that label: the kind of blind anger I witness at Glenn Beck-sponsored "tea-bagging" events is the sort of thing that does not originate through rational thought.

I say this because when rational conservatives talk about President Obama and/or congressional/senatorial Democrats, they say things like "excessive spending" or "irresponsible"; i.e., things that legitimately criticize left-leaning policy.

When "tea-baggers", Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Bachman & Co. say things like "tyranny". "freedom-crushing", "liberty-taking", et cetera, THEY ARE TALKING OUT OF THEIR FAT SMUG ASSES, which is the thought-stem from which encourages people at George Fox University (Newburg, OR) to hang an effigy of Obama from a tree (let's have us a good-ol' fashioned lynchin' shall we?), the kind of delerium that makes Christian zealots think its OK to shoot and kill George Tiller, a doctor who preformed abortions and was an outspoken women's rights advocate; the fact that President Obama has recieved more death-threats on a daily basis than any other American president.

My contention is not "all Republicans/conservative thinkers are racist". I will state however that their behavior, while presumedly not racist, completely and utterly condones the actions of the far-right, and indeed, white-power groups like the Klan and the NW Socialist Party.

Well that's the end of my little rant for tonight, post your enamorance/hate below.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

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