Thursday, November 26, 2009

My annoyance with the far-left

I would describe my moral and political stances as being pretty leftist. In fact, in some cases, perhaps too left for most.

Today's rant is: my attack on the super-radical left, people who in my opinion make "tea-baggers" look only slightly moronic.

Let's start with PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). I consider PETA a terrorist organization, a green-crazed Al-Qaeda, out to show infidel meat-eating America to respec' mutha Urth.

While I can say yeah, America does some fucked up shit to animals and yeah, we should reconsider how we treat the animals we slaughter or use for food in some other way, I can't legitimize the actions of PETA; breaking into science labs for animal testing is FUCKED UP, bombing car dealerships is FUCKED UP, veganism (not vegetarianism mind you, I practice) is FUCKED UP, PETA IS SERIOUSLY FUCKED UP.

In the 1960s there was an organizatino known as the Weather Underground. While they had a noble cause (mainly to stop the Vietnam War), they went down the road of SNCC: complete and utter cause-for-action IRONY. To protest WAR (i.e. violence and such), WU went so far as to plan to bomb federal buildings, as similarly the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commission) did commit acts of violence in order to further their goals.

When all of this shit stirs around in my mind, I think of a true leftist hero of the '60s: Martin Luther King Junior. He preached brotherhood and peace, and encouraged peaceful protest of the Vietnam War.

In my opinion, Barack Obama was the same way as a senator and during his presidential campaign, however obviously his occupation of high office has somewhat restricted his ability to do "political preaching", as he needs to remain a figure of American leadership and therefore cannot seem to partisan.

The TRUE left is dead in my opinion; the idiots are following PETA and ELF (Earth Liberation Front), the true-blue liberals are too pussy to speak up, and all the other left-of-center liberals are either too far to the right or to corrupt to say a damn thing that matters; the younger generation (class of '08 and before), who would be prime, spree leftists are barely aware of the government's existance, let alone the rest of the world because they have been brainwashed by the American exceptionalist ideals that the right has been flooding and drowning our public schools with.

What I believe the left needs now is new leadership and new rallying cries; new governors, new mayors, new senators, new representatives that know what's going on for America. Local government across American needs its citizen's participation; state and city governments are in collapse because of citizen apathy; as the strength of local government increases, faith in our political system will as well: this, I believe, will lead to the total destruction of the right, who's ideals depend on people's distrust of the government. All you need is a few dry sticks to light a fire and some seasoned logs to keep it going (I guess that makes the far-left, PETA & Co. nitroglycerin).

I'll breifly say what I think the right needs: dolphin tranquilizers, and therapy.

And now my political brain is tired for now. Post your enamorance/hate below.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

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