Saturday, November 28, 2009

Make-up ranting, bitching and dreaming. Enjoy.

My apologies for my absence yesterday, I was not able to access a computer pretty much all day, so I'll make it up to y'all with a nice long juicy post with plenty of ranting, bitching, and dreams.

There are a few things I think that are keeping humanity down, and today I'd like to elaborate on what I think they are.

First, overpopulation. 6.8 billion people live on this planet. That's scary. Now yes, there are species who's populations are much greater than that, however the concern is resource-to-life-form ratio. Human existence consumes massive amounts of resources; this has been true since the emergence of humans, early humans moved quickly from area to area and depleted the resources (mainly large game) of those areas. Now we are smart enough to wipe our own asses though, literally and figuratively. We need to choke population growth severely. To ensure the prosperity of humankind (and Earth, I suppose, and I'm speaking as if this was our goal), human population should be closer to say...oh I'm just going to pull a number out of my ass here, let's say...4 billion. That's still a shit load of people, mind you, but 4 billion intelligent mass-resource consuming life-forms to one planet is a better ratio than 7 billion intelligent mass-resource consuming life-forms to one planet.

Second thing wrong: religion (in the way that it currently exists), and war, which I personally believe are one in the same at this point in time. Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, have at some point all killed someone, or masses of people and used their religion as their motive. What I think will solve this problem: a unified democratic-republic world government. We joke about America being "world police", but I think the world NEEDS an Earth-wide enforcer, however it should be a nameless godless associate like "da govermunt" rather than a very apparent western symbol, America. A UWG (Unified World Government, which is how I will refer to it from now on) would enable humankind to do all the cool shit we've been fantasizing about since our supposed conception. What every history class I've ever taken has shown me is: war = national debt, mass loss of life, and decrease in education. The USSR collapsed from the massive Cold War debt they accumulated from their competing nuclear program. Being a bit of an atheist its tempting to think that "ridding the world of religion" would solve all our problems, but clearly, doing so would just be the good old cause-irony.

Lastly, the education of each and every living breathing human soul on the planet. The root of all of our problems is ignorance, or willful ignorance (i.e. stupidity). My point here is simple: an educated world is a more peaceful world, and a peaceful world advances technologically much faster than one in war (although technology acquired by means of war has done humanity a lot of good, we wouldn't have the internet if it were not for our military).

So ends today's rant. On to bitching (although there probably was bit of bitching snuck in there).

I'm officially bored with my life. I do the same things over and over and over, new things I try seem trivial, and things that people try to get me interested in are really difficult for me to engage with. Go to school, come home, go to school, come home, work out, go to school, come home, go to school come home, work out, go to school, drink, smoke, party, come home. Repeat.

I guess the upside is that I have it relatively easy. That is all I have to bitch about at the moment.

Here's a dream. I want to build what I call a "commune-house". It would basically be a house/apartment complex with just ONE big bill to pay off at the end of the month. With lots of people living there, it would be no problem. It would be for all of my loving brothers and sisters (I'm an only child so I think y'all know what I mean), and I hope it would encourage other people in similar situations to do something like that.

I also dream of being a true multitalent philanthropic billionaire. I know it sounds incredibly selfish but that's really what I want to do with my life. It goes along with my belief (which I think is well inline with American liberalism) is that consolidated wealth in the right hands can do a load of good for society. I want to be an awesome guitarist and songwriter, I think I can change people with my music. I want to program the best video games the world has ever seen and make modern technology massively available to anyone and everyone who wants it or needs it. I want to help sew the seeds of tomorrows forests and reconsider how we build our homes with massive quantities of lumber from ancient trees that tenaciously hold on humanity's brinking equilibrium with nature.

As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I dream of space exploration. Looking and traveling farther into space will bring us closer to breaching a level of unprecedented transendentalism. Perhaps, exceeding the speed of light, or determining the true origins of matter, or even encountering another sentient species of life.

My blogging juice is now out, post your loyal enamorance/hate below.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

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