Sunday, December 6, 2009

Changes to my blogging, and Humanistic Nihlism

Alright, I think my small handbasket full of readers have figured out that I haven't posted every night. I haven't made good on that promise, and so I hereby apologize and present a new proposition: I'm just going to blog whenever either something that I perceive as shitty happens, or when I think that there's something worth blogging about or I just need to unload my emotions. It might be every day, or every two days, or once a week, whatever. That's the new thing though. Don't worry, there will be copius reading to be done.

I spent the last couple of days watching "Fight Club" over and over again, picking it apart.

I have to say, the first time I watched it I was more tripped out than the first time I watched "The Matrix".

And I've been thinking to myself.

What is my Americanism? I believe it is my desire to live a perpetual amnesic existance, eating storebought food, playing videogames, posting self-indulgent and lose touch more and more with the world outside my homeoffice.

This is the kind of thing I think Fight Club gets me thinking about.

Today, I started writing a brutal-ass metal song. I'm going to call it "Cinders and Fleshrot". Brutal.

Now here is a list of people who need to lick a fat hairy STD-ridden CUNT:

Glenn Beck
Rush Limbaugh
Sarah Palin
Michelle Bachmann
Every single congressional Republican
Glenn Beck
Richard Cheney
Robert Reiner
Ann Coulter
Glenn Beck
Lou Dobbs
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck


I'm working on learning to read music with this thing called Fast Keys, I'm not sure how well its working...

Anyways, sorry for the short post, but I must dash!

MySpace/Facebook users, comment/message me, or post your enamorance/hate below!

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

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