Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why people on the left with balls and brains need to take over society

I recently read a hateful piece denouncing American teenage subculturalism. Without giving you a link, I'll just promptly counterpoint every bit of blubbering bullshit this site had to say.

The site said that the subculture is the reason for the high suicide rate of American teenagers.

That is wrong. The perpetuation of conformity through religious scare tactics and mass-media marketing is the reason.

Which is more dangerous, a televangelist telling a bunch of adolescents that homosexuality is wrong, or some teenager painting his/her nails black?

Which is worse, the 500,000 or so American teenagers that commit suicide for whatever reason or MILLIONS of Congolese or Rwandans who continue to starve and die every day? DO YOU FUCKING CARE?

Which is worse, a teenager wearing makeup, or a makeupless teenager getting beat up or put down because he doesn't play football like all of the rest? It happens, people.

Well you know the obvious answer from me, but I can attribute the shittiness of this website's arguments to this: SHITTY PARENTING. First of all, your child has the right to wear whatever the fuck they want to begin with, regardless of what you think.

Secondly, even if your child isn't DRESSING "punk" or "goth" or whatever, doesn't mean they wont when they leave home, or even adopt those attitudes because they see through your shitty shitty shitty values.

Third, if you think your child is just become another "mindless misanthropic zombie", maybe you should consider how your child thinks about your religion, and how mindless and zombielike it appears to him/her.

My point is, you shouldn't control what your child thinks, it's part of their growing up, if you're really so fucking worried about your child comitting suicide, GET YOUR CHILD A FUCKING PSYCHIATRIST, and stop bitching about how the subculture is destroying your child's "morals" which supposedly they're getting from YOU, although all things considered if you really have a problem with your occultist little brat it probably means you're a right-wing cocksucking piece of shit anyways. Case in point: I'm in the punkrock scene, I dress it, I act it, I play the damn part, and my parents not only TOLERATE it, they LOVE it, being the good free-thinking open-minded liberals that they are. They are not perfect, we do not agree about everything, but nonetheless they have never bothered me about the way I dress.


The following is on a slightly different topic, still having to do with right-wing shittiness.

Other than being a continous cespool of hateful intolerant bilge (pause for irony), the right wing is also a breeding ground for corruption and a shitty economy.

Conservative thought on wealth is that the supply-side of the economy will be stimulated by the spending of money by those who have wealth. This is wrong. The reality is that the wealthy HOARD wealth. I'm no Huey Long but if you make a 7-digit salary, the underclass could use some of that even if it's an indirect funding of jobs, or an unemployment benefit. If you can't pay a measly 50 grand out of your 7-digit income, well then, FUCK YOU.

The people who SPEND the most money, and are therefore the true basis of our economy, are the middle class. I'll conveniently state why neither the working class or the wealthy are: the working class is too preoccupied with living expenses (and perhaps even going into debt from that alone) and the illegal substance market (untaxed, mind you), the wealthy are few, and therefore the purchase of a jet or a mansion or some large is expense is fairly insignificant compared to the overall economy (GDP is close to $14.2 trillion). Therefore, the true mass consumers in our economy are the middle class, who posess a moderate amount of wealth, enough to pay living expenses....and perhaps a HDTV in the living room, or a computer, or maybe they shop at Whole Foods instead of WinCo.

Conservatives will bitch about how increased taxes and government spending are "communist" or "socialist", that's pure bullshit. If the American left was communist, they would demand complete seizure of every American's wealth to the treasury. And even the few socialists on the American left demand taxes that are FAR under any socialist country's tax rate. 34% ? Tough luck, pigfuckers. During World War II the wealthy paid close to 90%.

Like it or not, the government can serve public interest better and farther reaching than even large charitable donations by the wealthy. We're a country of 300,000,000, which is tiny on the global scale; we shouldn't have homelessness or poverty. But we do. I would encourage dormant or borderline leftists to tune out the fear mongering of the right and campaign in the name of our humanity.

I'd also like to post that I have registered to vote and WILL be voting in 2011. With that, my regards to all my readers, post your enamorance/hate below, or on MySpace/Facebook.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

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