Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fighting the machine, the real way.

Far-leftists like to fantasize and just about wet themselves about "breaking the system", "fighting the machine" and that kind of crap.

In my opinion one needs to climb the cruel ladders of capitalism before being so quick to criticize its legitimacy, morality, et cetera.

Idiots, if you haven't figured it out, the system, the dominant, militant system, the one that keeps YOU safe (assholes), can also be run BY YOU?

If America has taught me anything, America is ABOUT selling out.

I can say that the way to own America's politics, is to own America. Why? Say you're a candidate seeking campaign funding from a private interest....let's say that happens to be a large insurance company. They are INCREDIBLY powerful. Even if that candidate's constituency favors one kind of legislation or another which may limit the reach and influence of said private interest (and in the case of America, insurance conglomerates ARE indeed the dominant private interest), this candidate will likely loose not only campaign funding from that insurance company; that insurance company is EXTREMELY likely to do things like run fear campaigns to scare middle-ground constituents away.

Why can't congress pass a health-care bill with a public option? Because every single one of them is in the balls-in-vice-grip of insurance conglomerates.

Reasons I think this is the case: the biggest voices coming from congress (the "tea-bagging" crazies on the right, and the Blue-Dog Democrats, Joe Lieberman, et cetera) are the ones who receive or are threatened with significant incentives to strike down efforts for health-care reform.

But here's where the true-left Democrats forget: this is NOT about health-care reform, this is NOT about people's lives, this is about MONEY and POWER, things which insurance companies have gobs of and will do anything to keep their tenacious fat fingers coiled tightly around congress. THAT is why we do not, and in my opinion will NEVER have a public option.

*Ahem* Not that I wouldn't want it myself, I stand behind the moral-left standpoint of "everyone deserves coverage", and I really think conservatives need to shut the fuck up about us "having the best health-care system in the world". YOU ARE FUCKING ASS-SERVICE.

Woah that's a good insult, I'm going to make a short-term goal to use that on someone I can't stand...

SO! After all of my mopey there's-no-hope-left ranting, here's the small glimmer of light: how I think the left can clobber insurance companies.

A step in a better direction would be to form insurance companies (wait for it) that go by OUR rules, and out-compete the large conglomerates that way. It won't be easy, but I believe it would be far less of a challenge than trying to defeat them in congress. Step 2: LOCAL legislation. State or even city law which mandates or even OFFERS health-insurance for the populace, or at least regulates insurance companies in more practical ways. The federal level follows more money and power and is therefore more vulnerable to corruption and collusion. State and city officials are under far closer watch by their citizens than the national government (believe it or not, Sam Adams is under FAR more political scrutiny than Ben Bernanke).

Ahhhhhh the catharsis of blogging.

That's all folks! Post your enamorance/hate below as usual, or if you reached this blog from MySpace or Facebook, comment or message me there!


~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

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