Sunday, December 13, 2009

Misery, human misery, humanity

We are made out of lies and fear.

From day one, we are taught not to lie. Always tell the truth.

As we grow, we discover that telling the truth is not so fun, honesty won't get you what you want. It's the predominant lack of quid pro quo that creates the need, if you don't have anything but some exterior facade of grandeur, that will buy you all the happiness and favors from anyone and everyone.

Everything we do, we are motivated by fear; we go to high school and college and work because if we don't we fear death by starvation.

We arm our nations because we are afraid one will attack the other.

Whether fear or lies are reasonable or not, they exist and their prevalence is indisputable, but yet we would sacrifice anything and everything to defend "truth" and "justice"; but like so many before us, they are our truth and our justice, and any morality differing from which are "their", "lies".

What truly irks me is the hypocrisy of all of those values. Here is an "honest" account of what humanity's "true" "rules" "should" be.

1. Killing is OK. Shit happens, people have been dying for a long time, murder, disease, whatever, get over it.

2. Stealing is OK. No, fuck that. Encouraged. That would give people a better sense of the value of their "possessions". If you make people vulnerable like that you can at least expect people to arm themselves.

3. Build a vast, bloodthirsty empire. Go ahead, do it motherfucker, history shows: biggest asshole wins, why bicker about morality when you have bullets and bombs?

That's it. Three simple rules, which encapsulate the raw nature of humanity; what we call "civil rights" are what I personally call "if I fuck with there's going to be shit to pay". That's fucking civil rights right there, if for whatever reason, for example, a police officer sees fit to knock the living snot out of you, (and mind you here I am speaking regardless of the situation) he or she can do it, and there will be NO shit for them to pay, and MORE shit still to come for you to pay. That's a fairly mild example though.

People like Al Gore and Bill Bradburry (both of whom I favor as a humanitarian) will go on about "sustainability", but the reason humankind has prevailed is BECAUSE of instability and insustainablity. The fact of the matter is that there are just too many people all trying to live the same way at the same time, too many people wanting to make more and more people, too many people wanting to live longer and therefore consume more resources for a longer amount of time.

But through all of this dystopic misanthropy, I remain a humanitarian. How, one may ask? Well, you see, soley because I BELIEVE that human nature is damned and flawed in every way does not mean I believe in persuing such catastrophic paths; quite the contrary, I believe that in the eventuality of removing such barriers, we will all see what matters to our survival and the narrowing view of prosperity, if those things are what "we" are really trying to achieve.

The reason I contend that things will not change in such a way is one of the other damnable yet desirable aspects of human nature: lust for power. Those with power now are so desparate for it they will commit every penny of their fortunes just to maintain it. I would. I know I would. And I know damn well you would too.

My repositories of misery and distrust have been effectively and verbosely depleted, please post your enamorance/hate below as usual, or if you reached this blog from MySpace or Facebook, message or comment me there.


~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

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