Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why people on the left with balls and brains need to take over society

I recently read a hateful piece denouncing American teenage subculturalism. Without giving you a link, I'll just promptly counterpoint every bit of blubbering bullshit this site had to say.

The site said that the subculture is the reason for the high suicide rate of American teenagers.

That is wrong. The perpetuation of conformity through religious scare tactics and mass-media marketing is the reason.

Which is more dangerous, a televangelist telling a bunch of adolescents that homosexuality is wrong, or some teenager painting his/her nails black?

Which is worse, the 500,000 or so American teenagers that commit suicide for whatever reason or MILLIONS of Congolese or Rwandans who continue to starve and die every day? DO YOU FUCKING CARE?

Which is worse, a teenager wearing makeup, or a makeupless teenager getting beat up or put down because he doesn't play football like all of the rest? It happens, people.

Well you know the obvious answer from me, but I can attribute the shittiness of this website's arguments to this: SHITTY PARENTING. First of all, your child has the right to wear whatever the fuck they want to begin with, regardless of what you think.

Secondly, even if your child isn't DRESSING "punk" or "goth" or whatever, doesn't mean they wont when they leave home, or even adopt those attitudes because they see through your shitty shitty shitty values.

Third, if you think your child is just become another "mindless misanthropic zombie", maybe you should consider how your child thinks about your religion, and how mindless and zombielike it appears to him/her.

My point is, you shouldn't control what your child thinks, it's part of their growing up, if you're really so fucking worried about your child comitting suicide, GET YOUR CHILD A FUCKING PSYCHIATRIST, and stop bitching about how the subculture is destroying your child's "morals" which supposedly they're getting from YOU, although all things considered if you really have a problem with your occultist little brat it probably means you're a right-wing cocksucking piece of shit anyways. Case in point: I'm in the punkrock scene, I dress it, I act it, I play the damn part, and my parents not only TOLERATE it, they LOVE it, being the good free-thinking open-minded liberals that they are. They are not perfect, we do not agree about everything, but nonetheless they have never bothered me about the way I dress.


The following is on a slightly different topic, still having to do with right-wing shittiness.

Other than being a continous cespool of hateful intolerant bilge (pause for irony), the right wing is also a breeding ground for corruption and a shitty economy.

Conservative thought on wealth is that the supply-side of the economy will be stimulated by the spending of money by those who have wealth. This is wrong. The reality is that the wealthy HOARD wealth. I'm no Huey Long but if you make a 7-digit salary, the underclass could use some of that even if it's an indirect funding of jobs, or an unemployment benefit. If you can't pay a measly 50 grand out of your 7-digit income, well then, FUCK YOU.

The people who SPEND the most money, and are therefore the true basis of our economy, are the middle class. I'll conveniently state why neither the working class or the wealthy are: the working class is too preoccupied with living expenses (and perhaps even going into debt from that alone) and the illegal substance market (untaxed, mind you), the wealthy are few, and therefore the purchase of a jet or a mansion or some large is expense is fairly insignificant compared to the overall economy (GDP is close to $14.2 trillion). Therefore, the true mass consumers in our economy are the middle class, who posess a moderate amount of wealth, enough to pay living expenses....and perhaps a HDTV in the living room, or a computer, or maybe they shop at Whole Foods instead of WinCo.

Conservatives will bitch about how increased taxes and government spending are "communist" or "socialist", that's pure bullshit. If the American left was communist, they would demand complete seizure of every American's wealth to the treasury. And even the few socialists on the American left demand taxes that are FAR under any socialist country's tax rate. 34% ? Tough luck, pigfuckers. During World War II the wealthy paid close to 90%.

Like it or not, the government can serve public interest better and farther reaching than even large charitable donations by the wealthy. We're a country of 300,000,000, which is tiny on the global scale; we shouldn't have homelessness or poverty. But we do. I would encourage dormant or borderline leftists to tune out the fear mongering of the right and campaign in the name of our humanity.

I'd also like to post that I have registered to vote and WILL be voting in 2011. With that, my regards to all my readers, post your enamorance/hate below, or on MySpace/Facebook.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fighting the machine, the real way.

Far-leftists like to fantasize and just about wet themselves about "breaking the system", "fighting the machine" and that kind of crap.

In my opinion one needs to climb the cruel ladders of capitalism before being so quick to criticize its legitimacy, morality, et cetera.

Idiots, if you haven't figured it out, the system, the dominant, militant system, the one that keeps YOU safe (assholes), can also be run BY YOU?

If America has taught me anything, America is ABOUT selling out.

I can say that the way to own America's politics, is to own America. Why? Say you're a candidate seeking campaign funding from a private interest....let's say that happens to be a large insurance company. They are INCREDIBLY powerful. Even if that candidate's constituency favors one kind of legislation or another which may limit the reach and influence of said private interest (and in the case of America, insurance conglomerates ARE indeed the dominant private interest), this candidate will likely loose not only campaign funding from that insurance company; that insurance company is EXTREMELY likely to do things like run fear campaigns to scare middle-ground constituents away.

Why can't congress pass a health-care bill with a public option? Because every single one of them is in the balls-in-vice-grip of insurance conglomerates.

Reasons I think this is the case: the biggest voices coming from congress (the "tea-bagging" crazies on the right, and the Blue-Dog Democrats, Joe Lieberman, et cetera) are the ones who receive or are threatened with significant incentives to strike down efforts for health-care reform.

But here's where the true-left Democrats forget: this is NOT about health-care reform, this is NOT about people's lives, this is about MONEY and POWER, things which insurance companies have gobs of and will do anything to keep their tenacious fat fingers coiled tightly around congress. THAT is why we do not, and in my opinion will NEVER have a public option.

*Ahem* Not that I wouldn't want it myself, I stand behind the moral-left standpoint of "everyone deserves coverage", and I really think conservatives need to shut the fuck up about us "having the best health-care system in the world". YOU ARE FUCKING ASS-SERVICE.

Woah that's a good insult, I'm going to make a short-term goal to use that on someone I can't stand...

SO! After all of my mopey there's-no-hope-left ranting, here's the small glimmer of light: how I think the left can clobber insurance companies.

A step in a better direction would be to form insurance companies (wait for it) that go by OUR rules, and out-compete the large conglomerates that way. It won't be easy, but I believe it would be far less of a challenge than trying to defeat them in congress. Step 2: LOCAL legislation. State or even city law which mandates or even OFFERS health-insurance for the populace, or at least regulates insurance companies in more practical ways. The federal level follows more money and power and is therefore more vulnerable to corruption and collusion. State and city officials are under far closer watch by their citizens than the national government (believe it or not, Sam Adams is under FAR more political scrutiny than Ben Bernanke).

Ahhhhhh the catharsis of blogging.

That's all folks! Post your enamorance/hate below as usual, or if you reached this blog from MySpace or Facebook, comment or message me there!


~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Misery, human misery, humanity

We are made out of lies and fear.

From day one, we are taught not to lie. Always tell the truth.

As we grow, we discover that telling the truth is not so fun, honesty won't get you what you want. It's the predominant lack of quid pro quo that creates the need, if you don't have anything but some exterior facade of grandeur, that will buy you all the happiness and favors from anyone and everyone.

Everything we do, we are motivated by fear; we go to high school and college and work because if we don't we fear death by starvation.

We arm our nations because we are afraid one will attack the other.

Whether fear or lies are reasonable or not, they exist and their prevalence is indisputable, but yet we would sacrifice anything and everything to defend "truth" and "justice"; but like so many before us, they are our truth and our justice, and any morality differing from which are "their", "lies".

What truly irks me is the hypocrisy of all of those values. Here is an "honest" account of what humanity's "true" "rules" "should" be.

1. Killing is OK. Shit happens, people have been dying for a long time, murder, disease, whatever, get over it.

2. Stealing is OK. No, fuck that. Encouraged. That would give people a better sense of the value of their "possessions". If you make people vulnerable like that you can at least expect people to arm themselves.

3. Build a vast, bloodthirsty empire. Go ahead, do it motherfucker, history shows: biggest asshole wins, why bicker about morality when you have bullets and bombs?

That's it. Three simple rules, which encapsulate the raw nature of humanity; what we call "civil rights" are what I personally call "if I fuck with there's going to be shit to pay". That's fucking civil rights right there, if for whatever reason, for example, a police officer sees fit to knock the living snot out of you, (and mind you here I am speaking regardless of the situation) he or she can do it, and there will be NO shit for them to pay, and MORE shit still to come for you to pay. That's a fairly mild example though.

People like Al Gore and Bill Bradburry (both of whom I favor as a humanitarian) will go on about "sustainability", but the reason humankind has prevailed is BECAUSE of instability and insustainablity. The fact of the matter is that there are just too many people all trying to live the same way at the same time, too many people wanting to make more and more people, too many people wanting to live longer and therefore consume more resources for a longer amount of time.

But through all of this dystopic misanthropy, I remain a humanitarian. How, one may ask? Well, you see, soley because I BELIEVE that human nature is damned and flawed in every way does not mean I believe in persuing such catastrophic paths; quite the contrary, I believe that in the eventuality of removing such barriers, we will all see what matters to our survival and the narrowing view of prosperity, if those things are what "we" are really trying to achieve.

The reason I contend that things will not change in such a way is one of the other damnable yet desirable aspects of human nature: lust for power. Those with power now are so desparate for it they will commit every penny of their fortunes just to maintain it. I would. I know I would. And I know damn well you would too.

My repositories of misery and distrust have been effectively and verbosely depleted, please post your enamorance/hate below as usual, or if you reached this blog from MySpace or Facebook, message or comment me there.


~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Changes to my blogging, and Humanistic Nihlism

Alright, I think my small handbasket full of readers have figured out that I haven't posted every night. I haven't made good on that promise, and so I hereby apologize and present a new proposition: I'm just going to blog whenever either something that I perceive as shitty happens, or when I think that there's something worth blogging about or I just need to unload my emotions. It might be every day, or every two days, or once a week, whatever. That's the new thing though. Don't worry, there will be copius reading to be done.

I spent the last couple of days watching "Fight Club" over and over again, picking it apart.

I have to say, the first time I watched it I was more tripped out than the first time I watched "The Matrix".

And I've been thinking to myself.

What is my Americanism? I believe it is my desire to live a perpetual amnesic existance, eating storebought food, playing videogames, posting self-indulgent and lose touch more and more with the world outside my homeoffice.

This is the kind of thing I think Fight Club gets me thinking about.

Today, I started writing a brutal-ass metal song. I'm going to call it "Cinders and Fleshrot". Brutal.

Now here is a list of people who need to lick a fat hairy STD-ridden CUNT:

Glenn Beck
Rush Limbaugh
Sarah Palin
Michelle Bachmann
Every single congressional Republican
Glenn Beck
Richard Cheney
Robert Reiner
Ann Coulter
Glenn Beck
Lou Dobbs
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck


I'm working on learning to read music with this thing called Fast Keys, I'm not sure how well its working...

Anyways, sorry for the short post, but I must dash!

MySpace/Facebook users, comment/message me, or post your enamorance/hate below!

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

Friday, December 4, 2009

More proof that the world really does need "world police"

Or so I would say.

The human world is as full of shit as it was 100,000 years ago.

We are up our asses with morals, laws, and the like, but we forget the age old lesson: people are going to do whatever the fuck they want regardless of surrounding religion or rule of law.

Some examples:

The slave trade, or "human trafficking" for you politically correct types, is still alive and well and contributing TRILLIONS of dollars to the world economy. No one's hands are clean. There are NO countries in which slavery is legal, and yet there is the practice of slavery in EVERY nation. National governments don't do squat to squelch the practice, because it is economically beneficial. It's free money. Free resources. What nation would turn that down? None. Not even the good ol' USA, nope, us with out morals about treating people right and giving everyone a shot ENDORSE slavery, especially by the preachiness of our human rights policy; we'll talk till our lips turn purple about how bad slavery/human trafficking/prostitution/etc is but our foreign and domestic policy ENDORSE it, and our governments turn a blind eye to it because IT BRINGS IN BIG FUCKING CASH. What to do? Legalize and regulate mass human labor, because whether you like sweatshops or not, they're not going away just because some pompous assholes on Capitol Hill or the Kremlin signed some piece of ass-wipe paper that says "no sweatshops/whores blah".

Number two: substance trafficking. Western nations and governments are red in the face with right-wing evangelic morals about how terrible substance use is and how the only way to get rid of it is to make it "illegal"; but of course, HUMANS NEVER FUCKING LEARN: PEOPLE WILL DO WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT, NO MATTER WHAT PREDOMINANT RELIGION OR GOVERNMENTS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT IT. Whether you like it or not, people will use cocaine, heroin, speed, whatever, EVERY FUCKING DAY, AND THERE'S NOT A GOD DAMNED THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT, AND IF YOU THINK YOU CAN, OR IF YOU THINK YOUR SHITTY RELIGION OR GOVERNMENT CAN CHANGE THAT, YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED, GO FUCKING KILL YOURSELF. What really needs to happen is every nation in the world needs to legalize all these "naughty" substances, let the piggy pharmasudical industry do its thing. All this militant prohibition is doing is causing bloody violence, more people die in illicit territory control and supply chains than from actual substance use.


As I have said before, the UWG is the ultimate solution to the human disease. This is another life dream of mine, I hope other's will see through the lies of conventiality, even the status quo of American liberalism is absolutely pathetic, please, I urge you to think about this even if you do not agree with it, and please PLEASE, talk to me about it.

Goodnight readers, MySpace/Facebook users post on my profile, otherwise post your usual enamorance/hate below.

~Michael "Cow' Mullinax

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Musing at where I'm going, what I'll do in the relatively short-term

My college path is narrowing.

I've decided that I'm going to go to college whatever the fuck it takes, because I fuckin' want to, not because its the Great White Status Quo.

MAYBE, I'll take a year off to soul-search, or something fucktarded like that.

I've narrowed my selection down to about 20 schools, but I'm only going to talk about 2 right now: University of Advancing Technology in Tempe, Arizona, and McNally Smith College of Music in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

My inner nerd urges me to UAT, to follow (somewhat) in the steps of my father (a MIT graduate) and go in to the high-tech industry.

I'm also tempted by McNS, because I love music, it is my soul. It's not "my life" as many
ASSHOLE POSER SCENEKIDS would claim, but my angle is that it is my SOUL. As I said before, devotion is a close cousin to delusion.

Occupations seem a bit far off but I'm thinking if I go down the UAT road, I want to start a kickass independent videogame company, an extension of my life-long project King Moon Studios (http://www.myspace.com/kingmoonstudios). I want to create some kind of business partnership with the local nonprofit Free Geek, a program that helps get computers/other technology to those who might not be able to afford it or other nonprofit organizations.

I'm thinking I'll do something similar if I graduate at McNS, I want to front some kind of band, use any money that comes off of that for some internationalist charity, expand King Moon Studios to help sign small-time, talented groups with not enough glitz and glamour to impress big studios.

That's all I have to say for now, as usual, MySpace/Facebook users message/comment me, or post your enamorance/hate below.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A little anecdotal post, reminisence.

So, my parents wanted to repaint my room (which frankly I don't care too much about, I'll only be there for another year or so anyways), so I've had to move all my stuff out.

As I was doing it, I thought about everything I picked up.

Every receipt brought back a memory of a certain day of my childhood/adolescence.

Every trading-card package reminded me of my old self, what I used to do, the things I used to love and care about.

I picked up a notebook with a story I started writing in 4th grade. I liked it, most of it at least, it was about talking cats. No wonder people hated me in 4th grade, I was a fucking smart 4th grader.

I found a potato chip. No story there, just evidence of a true pig.

I made sure my weed and cigarette stashes were secure.

I had to pack away my bookshelves as well; it reminded me of how my parents would read me to sleep every night, until I was...12 or something.

As I was cleaning out my bookshelves, I came across several childhood photo albums. They made me giggle. I was this innocent little blond tubby kid not so long ago.

I crumpled up poems from junior high and freshman year. I have forgotten how much I really truly wanted to kill myself in those days.

I'm thinking when I rearrange my room when the paint dries, I'm going to go for a more austere look. So I won't miss it when I move out.

Now that I've gotten rid of my bookshelf, I'm thinking about clearing out my closet to make more space. That way I can set up a real "home office" in there, with my computer, a drawing table, and my good old Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary.

Assuming I have a similar setup when I move in to an apartment or something, I'll probably do something similar, except hopefully I'll live somewhere I won't have to hide my drugs and I could actually like....I dunno, smoke out in my room or something.

On a mostly unrelated note, I've added 4 days of cardio to my workout regime, so no I am doing 45 minutes of elliptical machine every day, in addition to my 3-day per week weightlifting regime. Hopefully coupled with some dietary adjustments I should be much thinner within the next year or so or possibly hopefully less than that.

As usual, post your enamorance/hate below.


If you got here from MySpace or Facebook, comment or message me there!

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Alright, I had to move my computer from my room as some remodeling was going on so I have not had internet access for the last couple of days, so my apologies to any readers.

I think I've figured something out a little bit about life, and the world, and people, and first is that I have no idea what any of their significance is, and secondly that they all suck major pornstar dick. Lastly, anywhere or anything to be "gotten to" or achieved in life sucks, and is bound to be something that is unenjoyable.

Example: to get anywhere in this fucking world, you need to go to school. Well, school sucks.

Example 2: to be attractive you need to exercise and eat right, both of which suck.

Example 3: on a less personal level, in order for a country to "succeed" it needs to exert military and economic imperialism over surrounding countries, which sucks.

Anything pleasurable will get you absolutely nowhere, it will drag you down. I find it ironic, life's pains and suckiness are the only ways to get ahead.

Some more examples of fun/pleasurable things that will drag you down in this life:

Substance use. Good example. More fun than I've had at any other time in my life. Idiots talk about just "getting high on life" which is FUCKING BULLSHIT, YOU ARE CUNTLICKERS


You can't get inebriated "on life" you have to destroy your body and brain to really enjoy the finest beauty of human existence.

Second: fatty food. Tasty. Delicious. Amazing. Wish I could live off of it. But you fucking can't otherwise you turn into a fat piece of shit like me, or a fatter piece of shit like Rush Limbaugh. Your arterial system will go fuck itself up its ass until you die a slow painful heart attack death.




Alright, my reserves of bitching have been temporarily depleted, as usual, post your enamorance/hate below.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A few of my life's philosophies

Tonight's going to be another shorter post, unfortunately, as I have some things to attend to around the house.

I came across a revelation of my own here.

Life is like a box of chocolates: most of it will probably be stuff you don't like but there's bound to be that one luscious piece somewhere in there.

That is all.

No, not my whole post, just the revelation part.

Some people say life is short and fast; I disagree. I think life is long, and vast. Even if you only live to 30, the experience of life is still a mysterious, slow-moving thing.

One of my philosophies is to avoid commitment of any kind; devotion is a close nephew of delusion. The more absorbed one gets in a cause or faith, the more they become lost.

I would say that in a sense, yes, we are all quite lost, but personally I'd rather be lost in reality or something close to it that something distant and different from it.

Another thing I live by is a combination of these two things: keeping one's options open, and always make a conscious effort to learn.

Many of my good friends have dropped out of school and while I respect their freedom of will, I can't choose the same thing for myself. I think "mind expansion" works both ways; the stoner way and the legitimate way. Expansion of one's actual knowledge affects the capabilities of one's thoughts; in my opinion, the stoner "mind expansion" is a way to bring one's self spiritually closer to fellow human beings. The result of my combining of these two elements has proven my point: I have stayed in school and made a conscious effort to learn, and I have continued to use substances, which I feel brings me closer to my fellow man.

This has got to be my shortest post, my apologies, but I really need to take care of some things around my house. Post your enamorance/hate below.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Make-up ranting, bitching and dreaming. Enjoy.

My apologies for my absence yesterday, I was not able to access a computer pretty much all day, so I'll make it up to y'all with a nice long juicy post with plenty of ranting, bitching, and dreams.

There are a few things I think that are keeping humanity down, and today I'd like to elaborate on what I think they are.

First, overpopulation. 6.8 billion people live on this planet. That's scary. Now yes, there are species who's populations are much greater than that, however the concern is resource-to-life-form ratio. Human existence consumes massive amounts of resources; this has been true since the emergence of humans, early humans moved quickly from area to area and depleted the resources (mainly large game) of those areas. Now we are smart enough to wipe our own asses though, literally and figuratively. We need to choke population growth severely. To ensure the prosperity of humankind (and Earth, I suppose, and I'm speaking as if this was our goal), human population should be closer to say...oh I'm just going to pull a number out of my ass here, let's say...4 billion. That's still a shit load of people, mind you, but 4 billion intelligent mass-resource consuming life-forms to one planet is a better ratio than 7 billion intelligent mass-resource consuming life-forms to one planet.

Second thing wrong: religion (in the way that it currently exists), and war, which I personally believe are one in the same at this point in time. Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, have at some point all killed someone, or masses of people and used their religion as their motive. What I think will solve this problem: a unified democratic-republic world government. We joke about America being "world police", but I think the world NEEDS an Earth-wide enforcer, however it should be a nameless godless associate like "da govermunt" rather than a very apparent western symbol, America. A UWG (Unified World Government, which is how I will refer to it from now on) would enable humankind to do all the cool shit we've been fantasizing about since our supposed conception. What every history class I've ever taken has shown me is: war = national debt, mass loss of life, and decrease in education. The USSR collapsed from the massive Cold War debt they accumulated from their competing nuclear program. Being a bit of an atheist its tempting to think that "ridding the world of religion" would solve all our problems, but clearly, doing so would just be the good old cause-irony.

Lastly, the education of each and every living breathing human soul on the planet. The root of all of our problems is ignorance, or willful ignorance (i.e. stupidity). My point here is simple: an educated world is a more peaceful world, and a peaceful world advances technologically much faster than one in war (although technology acquired by means of war has done humanity a lot of good, we wouldn't have the internet if it were not for our military).

So ends today's rant. On to bitching (although there probably was bit of bitching snuck in there).

I'm officially bored with my life. I do the same things over and over and over, new things I try seem trivial, and things that people try to get me interested in are really difficult for me to engage with. Go to school, come home, go to school, come home, work out, go to school, come home, go to school come home, work out, go to school, drink, smoke, party, come home. Repeat.

I guess the upside is that I have it relatively easy. That is all I have to bitch about at the moment.

Here's a dream. I want to build what I call a "commune-house". It would basically be a house/apartment complex with just ONE big bill to pay off at the end of the month. With lots of people living there, it would be no problem. It would be for all of my loving brothers and sisters (I'm an only child so I think y'all know what I mean), and I hope it would encourage other people in similar situations to do something like that.

I also dream of being a true multitalent philanthropic billionaire. I know it sounds incredibly selfish but that's really what I want to do with my life. It goes along with my belief (which I think is well inline with American liberalism) is that consolidated wealth in the right hands can do a load of good for society. I want to be an awesome guitarist and songwriter, I think I can change people with my music. I want to program the best video games the world has ever seen and make modern technology massively available to anyone and everyone who wants it or needs it. I want to help sew the seeds of tomorrows forests and reconsider how we build our homes with massive quantities of lumber from ancient trees that tenaciously hold on humanity's brinking equilibrium with nature.

As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I dream of space exploration. Looking and traveling farther into space will bring us closer to breaching a level of unprecedented transendentalism. Perhaps, exceeding the speed of light, or determining the true origins of matter, or even encountering another sentient species of life.

My blogging juice is now out, post your loyal enamorance/hate below.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My annoyance with the far-left

I would describe my moral and political stances as being pretty leftist. In fact, in some cases, perhaps too left for most.

Today's rant is: my attack on the super-radical left, people who in my opinion make "tea-baggers" look only slightly moronic.

Let's start with PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). I consider PETA a terrorist organization, a green-crazed Al-Qaeda, out to show infidel meat-eating America to respec' mutha Urth.

While I can say yeah, America does some fucked up shit to animals and yeah, we should reconsider how we treat the animals we slaughter or use for food in some other way, I can't legitimize the actions of PETA; breaking into science labs for animal testing is FUCKED UP, bombing car dealerships is FUCKED UP, veganism (not vegetarianism mind you, I practice) is FUCKED UP, PETA IS SERIOUSLY FUCKED UP.

In the 1960s there was an organizatino known as the Weather Underground. While they had a noble cause (mainly to stop the Vietnam War), they went down the road of SNCC: complete and utter cause-for-action IRONY. To protest WAR (i.e. violence and such), WU went so far as to plan to bomb federal buildings, as similarly the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commission) did commit acts of violence in order to further their goals.

When all of this shit stirs around in my mind, I think of a true leftist hero of the '60s: Martin Luther King Junior. He preached brotherhood and peace, and encouraged peaceful protest of the Vietnam War.

In my opinion, Barack Obama was the same way as a senator and during his presidential campaign, however obviously his occupation of high office has somewhat restricted his ability to do "political preaching", as he needs to remain a figure of American leadership and therefore cannot seem to partisan.

The TRUE left is dead in my opinion; the idiots are following PETA and ELF (Earth Liberation Front), the true-blue liberals are too pussy to speak up, and all the other left-of-center liberals are either too far to the right or to corrupt to say a damn thing that matters; the younger generation (class of '08 and before), who would be prime, spree leftists are barely aware of the government's existance, let alone the rest of the world because they have been brainwashed by the American exceptionalist ideals that the right has been flooding and drowning our public schools with.

What I believe the left needs now is new leadership and new rallying cries; new governors, new mayors, new senators, new representatives that know what's going on for America. Local government across American needs its citizen's participation; state and city governments are in collapse because of citizen apathy; as the strength of local government increases, faith in our political system will as well: this, I believe, will lead to the total destruction of the right, who's ideals depend on people's distrust of the government. All you need is a few dry sticks to light a fire and some seasoned logs to keep it going (I guess that makes the far-left, PETA & Co. nitroglycerin).

I'll breifly say what I think the right needs: dolphin tranquilizers, and therapy.

And now my political brain is tired for now. Post your enamorance/hate below.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sexuality, substance use, and my genuine hate for "straight-edge"

One thing I have resented since emerging into adolescence is the government's curious desire to get in our pants and our veins.

There's nothing in our national Constitution that has any language or slightest hint of implication of the denial of sexual/reproductive rights. That doesn't mean the states have tried to weasel their way around that.

For example, a piece of Oregon law essentially states that public schools can't promote tolerance of LGBTs; I'd wager other states have it worse.

On to substance use.

What in our lovely national Constitution (no sarcasm intended, seriously, and I suppose with the obvious exception of "general welfare") says Americans don't have the right to use cocaine or whatever if they want to? NONE OF IT.

Early drug laws made sense (Progressive Era, 1870s-1910s), for the most part they restricted the prescription of medications containing serious narcotics (cocaine, opiates, et cetera) from children (which then meant under 14, it was an age when you could get a job and help support your family, and be taken at least a little bit more seriously by society).

Makes sense, doesn't it? Doctors shouldn't recommend potentially harmful and addictive substances to children, who are probably the most susceptible to the negative consequences of use.

The luxurious times preceding the Great Depression lured people with shitloads money to racist and so-called "puritanical" beliefs, (the temperance movement as it's now known, and maybe you get my wind when I say I don't think Carrie Nation was particularly fond of non-whites...). As the Great Depression rolled in, prohibition became incredibly unpopular as alcoholism ran wild.

Now before I put you to sleep with more history, let's zoom forward back to the early 21st century: alcohol is legal and heavily taxed, the government says alcohol use is naughty and bad, but you can still get off with a 0.08 blood-alcohol level (which is a lot of fucking booze, believe it or not). Right, so according to all of those factors, the government profits off of a more or less widespread addiction (I have no problem with that, actually), but where it gets sticky for me is how you CAN drive drunk legally, and why if its such a damned lucrative income for the government, is it also condemned by the government?

And that's just alcohol.

Imagine how we would flourish if we legalized and taxed cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and all the other goodies Americans crave? NO SARCASM WHATSOEVER.

We could get rid of our ridiculous national debt in a few weeks!

What makes me sigh in exasperation is this bizarre lobby to "legalize and tax" marijuana. I only have one thing to say to that:


If Mary Jane is legal, anyone should be able to grow it in their yard with out the DEA wagging their fat fingers at them.

My final ranting note is my collective hate towards a certain kind of elitist mentality: Straight-Edge.

I don't have a problem with what anybody chooses to/not to consume, meth, weed, crack, whatever, what matters is your attitude.

Some people wear this smug "straight-edge" banner with a fucked up sense of pride like they know better and therefore ARE better. And here is my response to that:


I'm sure I have a few more constructive things to say about substance use and sexuality but I am quite tired now and I think I shall retire shortly. Post your enamorance/hate below.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Shortish post

Sorry to disappoint any readers expecting my usual lecture but tonight's post is going to be a bit short, as I really need to get some sleep and there isn't much to bitch, rant or dream about at the moment.

When I think "Republican Party", I think "Klu Klux Klan" and "Northwest Socialist Party".

I know racism is a harsh word to bring down on anyone, so I'll make it clear why I whip out that label: the kind of blind anger I witness at Glenn Beck-sponsored "tea-bagging" events is the sort of thing that does not originate through rational thought.

I say this because when rational conservatives talk about President Obama and/or congressional/senatorial Democrats, they say things like "excessive spending" or "irresponsible"; i.e., things that legitimately criticize left-leaning policy.

When "tea-baggers", Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Bachman & Co. say things like "tyranny". "freedom-crushing", "liberty-taking", et cetera, THEY ARE TALKING OUT OF THEIR FAT SMUG ASSES, which is the thought-stem from which encourages people at George Fox University (Newburg, OR) to hang an effigy of Obama from a tree (let's have us a good-ol' fashioned lynchin' shall we?), the kind of delerium that makes Christian zealots think its OK to shoot and kill George Tiller, a doctor who preformed abortions and was an outspoken women's rights advocate; the fact that President Obama has recieved more death-threats on a daily basis than any other American president.

My contention is not "all Republicans/conservative thinkers are racist". I will state however that their behavior, while presumedly not racist, completely and utterly condones the actions of the far-right, and indeed, white-power groups like the Klan and the NW Socialist Party.

Well that's the end of my little rant for tonight, post your enamorance/hate below.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

Monday, November 23, 2009

Living life "behind the camera", and going to Mars

I think I'm going to try to make a daily habit out of this blogging thing. I hope it will be cathartic.

I'm currently trying to learn to read music...I've been trying to do so for almost a year now...pretty much complete failz. But I keep trying!

A while ago I read about an individual who collected plastic bottles, netted and tied them together, and made a one-man nation, known as Spiral Island. I'm going to do that some day, but with more people and money...who knows, maybe we'll teach the world something. I'll post my speculations about this endeavor at a later time.

Now for bitching.

I feel like I live life "behind the camera". I think this is the reason for my drug use, alcohol especially really helps me escape that. Day to day, life feels listless and uninteresting; I feel like I get up every morning because I have to (although less I'll admit, going to my new school has really helped that); I watch other people giggle and have fun, I chuckle at people's jokes and misfortunes.

I love talking to people, like REALLY talk, I can't for the life of me stand the dullness of silence/smalltalk. But it just doesn't happen...

Exercising has also helped a bit, I see and feel myself get a lot bigger and stronger and feel a small sense of pride about it.

Most of the time my mind is a blank slate, void of much thought at all, my eyes stare vacantly into the space in front of me. On the bus, I hear conversations on the bus but I just don't care, I see shit going down that I don't like but my conscious isn't stirred. I go through the day with minimal energy, I feel tired and generally depressed (not really about anything, just a lowered state of emotion).

When I can stir up the energy to play guitar, it DOES feel great. Music comes out of me and it feels like I'm letting all the shit that clogs my soul out.

Bitch note number two: life ONLY as I know it.

I guess I shouldn't complain about my life's stability regardless of its general dullness, but I have to say, life as I know it is pretty lame: go to school and do the work, and when that's done, booze and smoke and play video games and music. Eat, sleep, poop, et cetera. Although, hmm, maybe that's not so bad...

I'm wondering what life would be like outside of my house, I guess I would just do the same thing in some frat house someplace when I'm in college (if that ever happens) and when that's done with rent some apartment or house and do the same thing with some job that may or may not involve my degree of whatever.

Which leads me to a dream.

Whatever happened to kids dreaming of growing up to become astronauts?! I mean that's so fucking cool! These days, the "New Frontier" is something it seems that us young folk think is just stupid as all hell. I guess that's something I should add to my vast conservative conspiracy theory that the right is subtly indoctrinating us at a young age to disregard science...*ahem* anyways...

Sophomore year of high school I read a terrific astrophysics piece by Robert Zurbin, entitled "The Case For Mars: How and Why Humankind MUST Explore the Red Planet" (or something of that nature, I could be a bit off). As the title kindly points out, Zurbin explains the means, method, and reason for manned missions to explore and eventually COLONIZE Mars.

Hey, I don't know about anyone else but I think that IS FUCKING COOL!

The hell of a trip: he says it would only take about 180 days to get there. Fucking crazy awesome. I would do it even if it was my death sentence.

If nobody else has the ganas or the guts to go, fuck it, I'll do it no matter what kind of crazy radiation poisoning I might get. Science is a glorious cause. In fact, just to add, I don't want my body buried or cremated when I die. Give my blood to someone who needs it, donate the rest of me to science! Or give my heart or my organs or whatever to some person who needs a transplant.

When we finally get our lazy human asses over to Mars, we need to fucking colonize it! I'll do it, shit, it would be kinda dull living 45-lightminutes (distance from Earth to Mars) from everyone I know and love but I'd still be like "bitch I'm on Mars!". Shit would be different on Mars. You can't pollute like you can on Earth because guess what? If you do, you would INSTANTLY fuck over the entire population of the planet.

I think it would be pretty sweet to be 20% lighter. If I could spend just half an hour in 0.8 Gs that would be fantastic.

If this ever happens, I'd like to build a mansion with a nice view of Olympus Mons (a mountain on Mars many MANY times the size of Everest), and I could live there with my family and friends. We could have a ranch to grow Martian corn and raise Martian cattle, and my kids would be the first Martians! Well the first HUMAN Martians at least...hehe.

Hope that was enjoyable, readers! Until next time, post your enamorance/hate below.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blog intro

As the title of the blog might imply, this blog is just a place for me to let loose.

So let's get started.

The first thing I would like to bitch about is this: independence, or at least the illusion of it. I'll get to the illusion part shortly.

One thing that I've discovered as a teenager in America is that no matter where you go, public school, private school, whatever, independence means REJECTION. I say this because I have witnessed open-minded, kind, people (including myself) become social pariahs because they do their own thing, which is supposedly encouraged in this terrific society of ours.

Now let me speak from personal experience. I don't listen to the shit that most of my fellow teenagers call "music". I don't wear baggy blue jeans, I don't wear white tee-shirts, I despise Facebook, I don't wear colorful skater-shoes, I don't have a "cluster" of friends, I don't shoot secret handshakes to various people in the halls. I think you get it. If you don't well maybe you and I have something in common. Skanky women, jocky men, or vice versa, et cetera.

Anyways, that all seems to beg the question: what DO I do? I listen to punk rock and metal. I wear tight black jeans, I wear band tees under a punk-rock studded jacket which I made, I love MySpace, I wear ankle-high Doc. Martens, I wear thick dramatic makeup (I'll note here I'm a guy) I have a handbasket of BEST friends, I give silent sneers to people who perpetuate the meaning of EVIL to me.

Dependence, faith, and participation in the status-quo are facts that make the illusion of independence hold strong. The quieter of the crowd depend on the "normal" aspect (i.e., dressing like everyone else so they look like human beings). The loud popular bunch are the ones who create the religion of normality and go about protheletizing for followers; and of course, those too cowardly to think for themselves mindlessly follow.

The irony to me is that independence as defined by this conservative overculture is adherence and dependence on the system. Get good grades, participate in sports, do sober things with large groups of people, go to church/synagouge/mosque/whatever, do what the "in" crowd is doing; the only way to go far in life is to do all of that.

The truth as I see it is that because this is the reigning overculture, it IS the only way to go far in life--pause, EASILY--because nearly everyone will support you. Independence = rejection, if you have your own ideas about how life should be lived, prepare to take a giant societal dick-to-the-face, because nobody wants to hear you. In fact, to reward your new ideas, you'll be humiliated. As I have discovered, the only way to out-penis society is to expand one's own. Figuratively, of course, although physically wouldn't do me any harm either....but I digress.

I say all this being: a Jew, but also an atheist; a punkrock afficionado, a fan of metal; a news addict/political junkie; a drinker and potsmoker and user of psychadelics; this list could go on for a while. Oh I guess it could be added: the fact that I'm spewing my feelings on a blog...is a sure sign of an Edgar Allen Poe.

Anyways readers, my patience for typing has just about expired. I'll post something in the near future. Post your enamorance/hate below.

~Michael "Cow" Mullinax